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    News Release -- News Release -- News Release

Deaf Proverbs   --  A Proverbial Professor's Points to Ponder
by Ken Glickman
5.5" x 5.5", 256 pages, including 7-page index
LCCN 99-070652
$14.95 paperback (ISBN 0-9617583-2-5)
$19.95 hardback   (ISBN 0-9617583-4-1)
Publication Date: September 2, 1999

                                                                            FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

CONTACT: Ken Glickman
E-Mail Address:
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  Actual cover of "Deaf Proverbs"   

Deaf Proverbs -- A Proverbial Professor's Points to Ponder
                              New Book by "Prof. Glick"

SILVER SPRING, MARYLAND  --  Have you ever found yourself sitting at a dining table across from your date and you can't see her face because of a big flower arrangement in the middle of the table?  Have you ever wondered if there were any appropriate proverbs for this situation and for many of your experiences in the Deaf world?  Would you even believe that there now exists a simple proverb that captures the whole table situation in just a few words?

Ken Glickman, widely known in the American Deaf community as "Prof. Glick" in his DEAFology 101 comedy performances and for his humorous contributions to the Deaf culture with his two volumes of DEAFinitions,  stands and delivers yet again with the introduction of his new book titled  Deaf Proverbs -- A Proverbial Professor's Points to Ponder.  This book contains 243 proverbs -- some of which observe the Deaf world and others that give you friendly advice.  All of them make you think, some will even make you smile.

Glickman said of his unique, 256-page book: "Hearing people have had their

proverbs ever since the beginning of civilization.  And it wasn't until earlier this year when I was reading one of their many proverbial books, it suddenly dawned on me that we Deafies have never had our own collection of proverbs. Ever.

It was then and there I decided to start writing down as many proverbs as I could think of.   After condensing a lifetime of pondering down to two months of intense writing and re-writing, I'm proud to say we Deafies will soon have our very own little book of Deaf proverbs!"

In what is destined to be an enlightening book that entertains as well as inspires, its 243 proverbs, along with a seven-page index, cover just about every imaginable experience in the Deaf world.  Glickman adds, "It was quite a challenge to create proverbs that reflect our Deaf world and still look pithy to the eye."  Ken's proverb for the flower-arrangement illustrates this challenge:

"Flowers belong to topsoil, not tabletops."

Hot off the press, the book is available in both soft-back and hard-back. Priced at $14.95 and $19.95, respectively, they can be purchased from  DEAFinitely Yours Studio,  217 Williamsburg Drive, Silver Spring, Maryland 20901-2509 (add $5.00 for shipping/handling) or from Ken's website at

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Copyright 1997-2008  by DEAFinitely Yours Studio. Last revised: October 04, 2008.